A member asked:

So i'm and for the past 2 months i've had the lump above my penis. it's sort of hard and it hurts to the touch. about as wide as a finger nail.

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Lump: If this firm lump is not on the penis but in the public area,it could be a cyst that started as an ingrown hair,a wen or a pustule that hardened. Since it is tender and persistent, I recommend that you have a physician examine it for diagnosis and treatment.

Answered 12/3/2016


Dr. Hunter Handsfield answered

Specializes in Infectious Disease

Sebaceous cyst?: If it's in a hairy area (pubic area), it's probably a skin abscess or perhaps an enlarging (or infected) sebaceous cyst. Almost certainly not serious, but could keep growing if not taken care of. See a doctor for diagnosis.

Answered 12/2/2016



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