A member asked:

Hi there does hydrocositrone 5% cream treat soreness & pain & burning on penis & under foreskin of balanitis?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

See my remark: What you are describing ,balanitis,and skin irritation REQUIRES hydrocortisone with antifungal cream. Apply to area twice a day.You can ask local pharmacist for the cream.Alternative,soak a piece of wet gauze with baking powder ,apply to area twice a day.Baking powder combat irritation such as diaper rash..Good luck

Answered 9/14/2018



Wrong treatment: Balanitis is due to tiny amount of urine fermenting under foreskin. Rinse under the skin with tap water twice a day. Remember to blot away that last drop of urine after you pee. Castellani solution is best remedy. Circumcision is cuative.

Answered 8/25/2020



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