A member asked:

Period 7 days late neg test every morning.mild cramping for four days. had sex everyday of ovulation week. trying to concieve ?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Harvey Roth answered

Specializes in Obstetrics and Gynecology

? Pregnacy: I would wait a week before you take another pregnancy test (so you don't drive yourself crazy). Either you will or won't be pregnant. The symptoms can either be premenstrual or they can be implantation discomfort.

Answered 5/5/2015



Blood test: You may wish to see your doctor for a blood test that is more sensitive than urine test. Or you may redo the home test in 4-5 days. Follow the instructions for the test carefully. Wish you a healthy baby.

Answered 5/5/2015



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