A member asked:

I had a dvt which caused massive pulmonary embolus two years ago. what non-hormonal birth control methods are avalable? iud was tried and unsuccesful.

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Creighton Wright answered

Specializes in surgery

Several: For someone such as you describe considerations could include abstinence tubal ligation hysterectomy for the one partner: vasectomy condoms etc see a gynecologist for a full set of options it sounds lie your DVT and pe were truly life threatening.

Answered 6/10/2014



Sterilization: If religon allows, sterilization of either you or you're partner may be your best fail-safe option. If not, then sponge or condoms would be considerations. I would discuss this with your gynecologist. Under no circumstance should you try any hormonal method given your history.

Answered 9/28/2016



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