A member asked:

I have taken 2 shots each month now for two years for low testosterone.at one time i totally lost my erection ability. it is now just starting to come back. my question is? how much longer will it take of me taking these shots and could these shots be dam

6 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Check estrogens: Make sure your doctor is checking estrone and Estradiol levels. If these are high, it may be due to testosteone dose being too high. Might be better to use lower dose once weekly. Estrogens block testosterone function. Also u can take natural aromatase inhibitors to block conversion of testosterone to estrogens, such as zinc, resveratrol, saw palmetto.

Answered 9/28/2016


Dr. Nimish Gosrani answered

Specializes in Anti-Aging Medicine

Testosterone : In my experience, testosterone shots(cypnioate ) should be given weekly and effects are seen within 3-4 weeks, not 2 years!what testosterone and dose are you using?

Answered 1/24/2014



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