A member asked:

What specific brands of birth control can u recommend other than yaz (drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol) good for pcos. thnx?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Any: Polycystic ovarian syndrome is associated with increased risk for diabetes/insulin resistance, coronary artery disease, high triglyceride, low hdl, high blood pressure, infertility.People with this, often have irregular periods(skip cycles), put weight in the belly rather than the arms or legs), are unusually hairy in the face and other parts of the body, have acne, &have an lh to fsh ratio>2.

Answered 4/4/2016



Low dose OCP: There are many oral contraceptives in the market available for the treatment of PC os. You should start with the lowest possible dose for cycle regulation and lowering androgen levels.

Answered 2/13/2015



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