A member asked:

Dear doc,one question, i have wbc 17430% ,neutrophil 85% lymphocytes 14% and all std include hiv are neg. still need to worry for hiv?any other cause

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

High WBC count: If I understand correctly, your total WBC count is 17, 430. If so, this is a high WBC count and needs to be explained. Among possible causes are infection, inflammation, and blood disorders. Please see a doctor for a complete blood count( CBC) and follow up tests as indicated.

Answered 6/14/2015


Dr. Carrie Cannon answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

R/O other infections: I am so happy for you that your tests so far are negative. Please use this scare for educational prevention purposes and wear condoms from now on. LImit the number of sexual partners to hopefully one as well. Repeat your hiv test in 3 months, and then at 6 months to be extra cautious. Please ask your doctor to consider other types of infectious such as TB if the repeat CBC also has increased WBC's

Answered 5/27/2018



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