A member asked:

I infected with herpes in my mouth many years ago and i had cold-sore recently so if i touch it and touch genital area ..i will get genital herp?

9 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Herpes simplex: Unlikely, but not impossible. As a general rule your herpes recurrences will only be located at the nerves distribution of the primary site of infection. Depending upon your immune function and other circumstances you may develop lesions elsewhere, but this is uncommon, and doubt you will get genital lesions by touching yourself, but i never say never.

Answered 10/9/2017



NO: Hsv 1 cold sore virus will stay put, not spread. Contacts might get it if not already infected but most people are already infected even if they have no symptoms. The virus is known to be present some of the time between attacks, so most of the transmission occurs from a person showing no sore at all.

Answered 10/4/2016



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