A member asked:

I have ra use plaquenil, (hydroxychloroquine) now i was prescribed methotrexate. 2y ago diagnosis with hpv 16, can i take metho a immunosuppressant, an not make worst the hpv?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Ricardo Estape answered

Specializes in Gynecologic Oncology

Yes: This is a great question. Methotrexate has been used both to treat hpv and certain studies have shown women with RA on methtrexate have higher risk of abnormal pap smear. It is safe to use Methotrexate if you need it for ra. You just need to get your pap smears yearly and more frequent if abnormal. I would also recommend hpv testing with your pap.

Answered 9/6/2017



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