Differential Diagnos: If your teeth are in good condition;no decay issues and your third molars are not an issue i would then see my md/cardiologist as some people refer angina type pain to the jaw. You are young however the numbers are high and importantly they can be reversed.
Answered 10/4/2016
Could also be: The pain may not be related to your heart but to the muscles in your jaw or tmj. I would also suggest seeing a dentist who can diagnose and treat tmd.
Answered 3/18/2015
See DDS & MD: From your question i would assume that you are thinking that your jaw problem might be related to your heart. I would suggest that you see both a dentist to rule out any dental problems and your pcp or a cardiologist to help you get your risk factors lowered and rule out any circulatory or cardiac issues. Good to see both on a regular basis anyway.
Answered 2/27/2022
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