A member asked:

My sons blood pressure was 134/44.at the doctors office this morning, before we left his bottom number came up to 58.what are some causes for this?

6 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Anxiousness: The most likely cause is that he was anxious to be at the doctor. High cardiac output, raising the systolic blood pressure, but leaving the diastolic blood pressure low. You should check his blood pressure occasionally when he is relaxed and then review the results with his doctor.

Answered 7/27/2020



Sound unusual: 134/44 is a very wide difference or pulse pressure. Was it rechecked? That sounds like a possibly incorrect reading. If this is correct here is some info on the topic: http://web-health.Org/causes-of-widened-pulse-pressure.Html.

Answered 11/23/2013



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