A member asked:

I have been seeing a rhuemotologist, i got nerve block injections a while ago which made my spine worse, she wants me to again instead of surgery?

15 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Derron Wilson answered

Specializes in Pain Management

Too Vague: Unfortunately it is difficult to advise you of anything given what you've shared. I'd suggest discussing your options and your concerns about proceeding with surgery. There are a lot of treatment options but they all depend on your particular situation.

Answered 5/14/2016


Dr. Edward Hellman answered

Specializes in Orthopedic Surgery

Second opinion: If you have already undergone epidural steroid injections with no relief, it is fairly unlikely more injections will be helpful unless perhaps a different technique is used. You might consider getting a second opinion if the treatments you are having is ineffective and no other treatment options have been offered.

Answered 1/2/2017



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