A member asked:

Is gastric sleeve good for weight loss?

6 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

Yes: It's one procedure used for bariatric surgery. There are pros and cons for each procedure but if done right, it will help you lose weight. Feel free to ask your surgeon about his experience doing this procedure. It's not as common as the gastric bypass.

Answered 5/26/2016


Dr. Kenneth Foreman answered

Specializes in Bariatrics

Yes: The vertical sleeve gastrectomy is a newer weight-loss procedure, so long-term data is limited. In published series weight loss averages 60-70% of excess body weight at 5 years.

Answered 1/8/2015



Yes: The procedure is fairly new and has risks as do all weight loss operations. In this case, the long-term data shows that some of them return to a normal sized stomach. As with all weight loss operations, they do best when the patient is willing to change their lifestyle.

Answered 6/23/2014



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