A member asked:

Is it possible to get free teeth whitening on nhs for tetracycline stains?

6 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

Doubtful. : Whitening, despite the cause, is an elective cosmetic procedure. Tetracycline banding can often be treated by whitening (very long process) and micro-abrasion. It is not the conventional bleach kit take home technique. It takes multiple applications at a dental office with specific systems designed for tetracycline stain removal. Quite expensive too. Hope this helps.

Answered 8/29/2013



No: Any medical/dental coverage considers tetracycline stains a cosmetic problem & nothing more. Ttc does not harm teeth. They aren't any weaker or in any need of dental restorations, so no ins help . Trying to whiten these teeth will only work with dentist-prescribed materials, and will take probably over 3 months to work. Patience and staying away from tea/coffee/soda will help too! good luck!

Answered 12/10/2013


Dr. Michael Dolby answered

Specializes in Cosmetic Surgery

Probably not!: Teeth whitening is a cosmetic procedure and insurance plans nor the government cares what your teeth look like, they only care your not in pain or have infection.

Answered 4/18/2016



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