A member asked:

Male 22, i have muscle twitches all over my body at random times, neck, back, chest, arm, eyes, legs, hands, feet etc. for 6-7 months, no weakness. als?

8 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Anthony Filly answered

Specializes in Radiology

See below: It's probably just what we call benign fasiculations but if it is persistent, it would be reasonable to see a doctor and possibly get an EMG just to be sure.

Answered 9/15/2020


Dr. Soren Singel answered

Specializes in Neurosurgery

Highly unlikely.: Relax. At young age, occasional muscle twitching is usually harmless. If you have lost muscle mass and/or if it bothers you enough, see your primary care doctor for an exam. They may order labs (calcium etc) to make sure nothing is amiss.

Answered 10/28/2020



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