A member asked:

Can you please tell me how melanoma and malignant melanoma differ?

12 doctors weighed in across 4 answers

No difference: These are equivalent terms because there is no such thing as a benign melanoma!

Answered 9/28/2016


Dr. Thomas Fiala answered

Specializes in Plastic Surgery

Same thing: ...Just one is shorter to say. There's no such thing as a "benign melanoma", for example.

Answered 8/21/2013


Dr. Travis Kidner answered

Specializes in Surgical Oncology

The same: Melanoma is be a malignant tumor. Sometimes people only refer to it as melanoma and other times as malignant melanoma. They are the same entity.

Answered 7/22/2014


Dr. Carlo Contreras answered

Specializes in Surgical Oncology

Depth: Generally these terms are used interchangeably, but there is one exception. This is for melanoma in-situ which is very early stage and termed pre-invasive. If neglected melanoma in situ will grow and become malignant.

Answered 3/1/2021



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