A member asked:

Had one brief tonic clonic seizure with a fever as an infant . in late teens developed partial and then generalized seizures. possible connection?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Yes, common risk: A febrile seizure is a risk factor for seizures later in life. It is typically associated with complex partial seizures with onset in the temporal lobe. A febrile seizure in childhood can lead to a structural change in the brain called "mesial temporal sclerosis" which is scarring in the middle of the temporal lobe due to damage to an area called the hippocampus.

Answered 8/22/2013



Epilepsy progression: There are two types of seizures with fever, simple febrile seizures and seizures precipitated by fever. It sounds like you had the latter. In that case, the development of partial seizures without or with secondary generalization is common. That you have an aura indicates the generalized seizure represent secondary generalization from a partial seizure focus.

Answered 9/28/2016



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