A member asked:

Every few weeks i get a pain in one side of my neck spreading to the other side, then it goes after a few days but returns weeks later?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

It sounds like u hav: A recurrent muscle spasm. In these situations teeth clinching at night , or bruxism (tmj in dental language) can be a factor. If no numbness in arms it's probably fine but look at activities prior. You may benefit from an occasional low dose muscle relaxor at night such as cyclobenzaprine 10 mg at night when needed. Good luck.

Answered 8/10/2013


Dr. Jimmy Bowen answered

Specializes in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Neck pain: The episodic nature of this coming and going is concerning for postural related causes including daily activity and sleep. Make sure that you do daily range of motion exercises and that you are diligent about proper posture. Also make sure you neck is supported at night...Not just your head on the pillow.

Answered 8/10/2013



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