No: Discuss treatment with urine doctor before stopping. Your LDL is controlled because you are taking meds.
Answered 2/10/2015
It depends.: It depends upon what you did to lower your ldl. If one is obese and reduces to lean body weight by diet and exercise, then it is likely ones LDL will be lower. Therefore, if one has a low-normal LDL on diet and medicine to lower the ldl, it would be acceptable to reduce the dose of the cholesterol medication to see if LDL remains healthy.
Answered 2/10/2015
Maybe.: The only way to really tell is to try. That being said, have you changed anything about yourself to justify such a trial? Did you tweak your diet to limit fats and cholesterol? Do you exercise? Have you lost weight? If your answers are no, then it's unlikely your trial will work.
Answered 11/28/2017
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