You may need a : Polysomnograph & sleep medicine evaluation to determine the cause of your sleep problems. One option to help sleep in the meantime is chinese scalp acupuncture & auricular (ear) acupuncture. Also - use scrupulously good sleep hygiene. Retire & rise same time each day. Keep bedroom dark & cool & use only for sex & sleep. Turn off tv. No naps. Exercise regularly but not in late evening. No >>>.
Answered 8/9/2013
Confirm cause: You should confirm the cause of your sleep disturbance. It sounds as if obstructive sleep apnea is the working diagnosis but it may be due to other causes such as central sleep apnea or other conditions. Biofeedback and hypnosis or meditation following exercise may help, to ease you off to sleep. Many herbal sleep treatments are available but are of mixed success.
Answered 8/17/2013
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