A member asked:

My 11 year old daughter has been telling me that that the lump under her nipples (the one you get from breast development) has been very sensitive.

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Normal: Hormone stimulation can cause the beast buds to be sensitive. Time for a talk about her periods because that will follow.

Answered 6/2/2020



Normal tissue: Thelarche is the term used for the emergence of breast tissue in the beginning stages of puberty. A spongy bit of true breast tissue is located directly under the nipple on one or both sides. It can be tender to touch & one side may emerge before the other.I see 3-5 /yr come to my office for the same question.Menses is expected to follow in 2.5-3yrs.

Answered 3/16/2020



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