A member asked:

Will walking, exercising, or physical therapy cause my clots to break lose?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Possibly: Please see your physician regarding clotting. If you do in fact have clotting then you should be seen by your primary care physician for work up of a clotting disorder. If not, then your body will break down clots on its own time. Exercise does not necessarily speed up the process.

Answered 11/26/2013



48 hrs: It depends on where your clots are. For dvt's in the legs, we usually recommend 48 hrs of anticoagulation with blood thinners before beginning physlcal therapy such as walking. You must, however, speak with your medical doctor on this matter, who is probably treating your clots, for advice on when to begin walking/physical therapy.

Answered 5/10/2015



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