A member asked:

How can i prevent an asthma attacks?

12 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

Several Methods: Prevention and long-term control includes avoiding triggers of asthma, such as allergens, smoking and infections. Sometimes daily medicines such as inhaled bronchodilators, steroids, or oral leukotriene inhibitors singularly or in combination are necessary to prevent asthma.For this type of therapy, consult your doctor.

Answered 2/5/2014


Dr. William Walsh answered

Specializes in Addiction Medicine

Reduce and avoid: Avoiding asthma triggers (not always possible) and treating the underlying inflammation present (with inhaled steroids) are the main ways to avoid an attack. Keeping your house dust free, getting your allergies treated, etc may all be part of your individualized asthma plan. If you don't have a plan - work with your pulmonologist or allergist to make one.

Answered 3/21/2012



Lifestyle change: Avoid all milk products since the milk protein causes respiratory tract inflammation. Also avoid grains, lentils. Consume veggies, flesh foods, olive oil. Getting 30 -45 min of sunshine at noon daily or taking vitamin D3 10,000 IU/day and taking a good probiotic (not yogurt) help reduce inflammation Yoga breathing exercises 10-30 min/day help too. This may help avoid the need for meds

Answered 10/3/2016



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