While liposuction: Will reduce the fat deposits in your neck, it does not tighten skin. At age 59, needing a facelift to fix the jawline and jowls is quite likely. Best to see a plastic surgeon for a consultation in person.
Answered 9/29/2016
No, jowls are caused: By loose skin, not excessive fat. Most plastic surgeons know this, and any amount of localized fat "excess" is usually malpositioned fat. Most patients lose fat volume as they age, so tightening and repositioning fat/deeper tissues, as well as tightening skin (properly) is much better than facial liposuction. See abps-certified plastic surgeon, not a "cosmetic surgeon" with questionable training!
Answered 9/30/2020
Not Indicated.: Most patients in your situation benefit from lower face/neck lifting. Seek consultation with board-certified plastic surgeons for best advice. Best wishes.
Answered 12/9/2013
Not ussualy: The treatment for jowls consists of a facelift. Liposuction may make the appearance worse.
Answered 9/25/2014
Chin liposuction: Submental liposuction (or microliposculpture) is a minimally invasive technique for removing excess deposits of fat under the chin. It can improve the look of a double chin, make the angle between your chin and neck more attractive, and define your jawline. It is not a neck lift, though, so it will not address extra loose skin, neck bands, or facial sagging.
Answered 12/1/2014
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