If your symp are : Similar to at the time when the ct was done then it is likely not diverticulitis as cts are very sensitive. Do you have any symp to suggest a kidney stone such as l side pain or any urinary symp? Sometimes colon can have spasms specially when you have diverticulosis and thatcan also cause llq pain. Other possib is colitis. See a GI doc as u may require a colonoscopy to rule out other etiologies.
Answered 1/27/2015
Surgery if all fails: If u have been hospitalized and needed IV antibiotics then got better, ur chance of a repeat of the infection. I then would consult a surgeon 4 possible partial colonectomy while u r well as it usually can be done with no colostomy. If you are sick and need emergency procedure for this a colostomy is usually needed and later closed when all is well. I did it this way and did not need a colostomy.
Answered 6/10/2014
Perhaps...but: Diverticulitis is an inflammatory condition of the colon. Attacks can occur once or repeatedly and usually are treated with antibiotics, reserving surgery for those with complications or for severe, repeat attacks. A ct while you hurt should show inflammation, but a ct just before the attack can be normal. Persistent pain is a good reason to see a surgeon, even if you saw one before, to be safe.
Answered 3/12/2020
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