A member asked:

Upper left stomach pain i have gerd ulcer and hernia. taking nexium (esomeprazole)?

10 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

NEXIUM (esomeprazole) =GOOD: I assume you had a 'scope' (an egd) to diagnose the 'ulcer'. An esophageal ulcer (gerd ulcer) and hiatal hernia can be painful conditions. Nexium (esomeprazole) is a powerful acid blocker (ppi) and an excellent choice to treat 'too much stomach acid.' lifestyle changes will also help: cut caffeine, alcohol and smoking. You need to be seen quickly if signs of bleeding: black stools/ vomiting 'coffee grounds'.

Answered 6/30/2014



GERD: If you have damage to your esophagus from gerd, the encounters taken for 6-8 weeks should allow healing, but will not cure the reflux. Gerd can be anatomically treated with endoscopic procedures and surgical procedures - both acceptable, but require testing to make sure you would be a candidate and the procedure could meet your goals. If the hiatal hernia is large, may need surgey.

Answered 6/14/2014



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