A member asked:

I've got a subclavian deep vein thrombosis that didn't respond to warfarin. what now?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Ted King answered

Depends: How long have you been on warfarin? What does "didn't respond" mean? Do you have pain? Do you have swelling? Do you have a thrombophilia? Do you have paget-schroetter syndrome? Have you had surgery? Your question really can't be answered specifically without more information and an examination. You need to talk it over with your doctor.

Answered 9/28/2016


Dr. Creighton Wright answered

Specializes in surgery

Possibles: The response to warfarin is stopping progression of clots. The existing clot- DVT in subclavian will resorb over time and leave a scarred vein on duplex scan, or over time collaterals will take over and swelling decrease. The arm may still swell, tire, be uncomfortable with arm exercizes or work or effort.

Answered 9/28/2016



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