A member asked:

Hi. for the last few months after having gnr analogues i've had aching, throbbing legs. dvt and nerve damage already ruled out by doctor?

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Victor Bonuel answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Your symptoms are: Likely side effects of gnrh analogues. Discuss with your dr about stopping the drug. Also get checked for electrolyte imbalance. Taking otc nsaids, drinking lots of water and applying warm packs may alleviate your discomfort. God bless u !

Answered 12/10/2013


Dr. Ted King answered

Any varicose veins?: Aching and throbbing are common leg symptoms in women who have varicose veins. Although gnrh analogues aren't terribly likely to make the symptoms from varicose veins worse by themselves, varicose veins are sensitive to hormonal fluctuations. It might be worth a visit to see a vein specialist.

Answered 5/3/2015



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