A member asked:

I am 33 yr old today and the last time i check my blood pressure was 2 weeks ago. 140/90. is this normal? if not what do i do?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Bradford Romans answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Too high: This may be the beginning of high blood pressure but not until it is repeatedly proven to be at or above 140/90.Continue to check it and record the numbers.When you have several, show them to your doctor.If it truly remains elevated, it must be addressed by your physician... Sooner than later.

Answered 12/10/2013


Dr. Elden Rand answered

Specializes in Cardiology

Too high: This will need to be officially checked in standard BP position, that is, sitting for at least 5 minutes, both feet flat on the floor, appropriate sized standard upper arm BP cuff. If still high, then will need to try therapeutic lifestyle changes and if still high, then medication would be appropriate.

Answered 6/10/2014



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