A member asked:

What is the treatment for gynecomastia?

4 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Barry Press answered

Specializes in Plastic Surgery

See plastic surgeon: Gynecomastia is fairly frequent and the cause is most often unknown, a combination of ultrasonic and conventional liposuction with direct excision of glandular tissue can be a very effective treatment with minimal scarring. You should be within about 10-15 lbs of your ideal weight before considering this. See a surgeon certified by the american board of plastic surgeons to discuss your options.

Answered 12/10/2013



Surgery.: Gynecomastia comes from the greek meaning "gyne" meaning woman and  "mastos"  meaning breasts. It is most often best treated with  partial excision of the prominent glandular tissue  as well as liposuction surgery of the peripheral chest area.  if the prominence of the chest wall is caused by adipose tissue (lipomastia), then liposuction surgery alone may suffice.

Answered 7/5/2013


Dr. Larry Nichter answered

Specializes in Plastic Surgery

GynecomastiaTreatmen: Typically liposuction is used to correct gynecomastia. If there is also a lot of loose skin often this is also removed. Occasionally if their is firm redundant breast tissue it is surgically removed. See a board certified plastic surgeon.

Answered 8/15/2013



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