A member asked:

Got a mri of head and cspine due to imbalanced issues.came back with bulging disk c5-c6 can this be causing the neck pain and imbalanced issues?

9 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Jimmy Bowen answered

Specializes in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Myelopathy : Possibley. If the disc is large enough to put pressure on the spinal cord it can cause problems with the legs that cause imbalance. That being said it is very unusual in someone your age unless there was a traumatic event.

Answered 10/24/2017



Yes and No: A bulging disk is an anatomical term. If the disk is compressing the spinal cord or nerve roots it can cause pain, neurologic symptoms including balance impairments. If the disk is bulging and not compressing any neural elements it can cause pain but usually no neuro symptoms. An expert neuro exam and carefull review of the images will need to be conducted by your dr. To determine the relevance.

Answered 7/31/2017



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