Varies: Most basal cell are treated surgically by curettage, excision or mohs surgery. For superficial basal cells in very sick elderly topical medications can be used. In very difficult location radiation is use on occasion. For people with multiple basal cells or who can tolerate surgery there is a new fda approved medication which is very expensive.
Answered 7/20/2012
Surgical removal: Basal cells are generally removed by surgical excision. This usually can be accomplished in the office or outpatient surgery setting.
Answered 11/21/2014
Sev ways: Best choice is surgery. If on the face ears or hands, should be reconstructed by an asps plastic surgeon. A flap or graft may be needed to reconstruct. Radiation is also possible. There's a new chemotherapy in a pill for basal cell. In some cases, palliative electrodessication is used.
Answered 2/21/2020
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