Braces: If you have braces with teeth extracted, clenching, grinding, jaw injury, head and neck injury......Need more information.
Answered 3/21/2015
See a doctor: Tmj issues can definitely cause intermittent discomfort especially if you clench or grind during the day. Stress or long tiring days are often the root cause of many problems. However, if the severity is too great and a nightguard (assuming you have one, if not, get one) doesn't work, you should consult with your physician as well as your dentist.
Answered 3/21/2015
TMJ: Likely a flare of your TMJ. See aTMJ expert. Any dentist can be a TMJ expert with the proper training and experience. Most commonly, oral surgeons, prosthodontists, and orofacial pain specialists. Ask your MD, your dentist and your dental society for referrals.
Answered 3/21/2015
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