A member asked:

What kind or brand of probiotic can i take to help me prevent uti? i heard of florastor but i'm not sure if they all have the same thing.thanks

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Kathleen Mullane answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Pro- & anti-biotics: Women w/recurrent uti's have been found to have altered flora w/ reduced lactobacillus sp and prolonged colonizn with uropathogens like e.Coli. Oral or intravaginal l. Rhamnosus gr-1; l. Reuteri (fermentum) rc-14, & l. Crispatus prevent adherance of pathogenic bacteria and reduce the incidence (not 100%) of recurrent uti's. If you plan to use probiotics, read the labels and look for these.

Answered 1/24/2021



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