A member asked:

Might a doctor recommend a termination if woman had a heart murmur? and what about if she's carried a healthy baby to term before?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

CONCERN: Might you be the woman? It would surely depend a lot on the cause of that psrticular murmur. Maybe a cardiologist could be more specific about the meaning of the murmur and whether it really was a cause of concern. Dont ponder this alone - we frighten ourselves needlessly and we're often wrong when we try to guess.

Answered 4/16/2016



Depends: There are far to many women out there with multiple successful pregnancies and a heart murmur to say this idea is routine. If someone was in borderline heart failure i could see where someone might consider that idea, but not for most folks.Many murmurs are innocent reflections of blood flow and would have no significant impact on a pregnancy.

Answered 7/1/2013



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