A member asked:

I've been out of my asthma meds for a few months and keep having attacks, what are the health risks and is there anything i can do when have an attck?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Albuterol: Is emergency medicine for asthma.Not taking medicine during asthma attacks can cause sever broncho spasm and eventually death.

Answered 3/9/2017



Get meds: The incidence of sudden death in asthma patients has not changed much in several decades in spite of progress in medications & delivery systems. If you ignore this disease & its risks, you are really on your own.There are no effective diets/exercises or supplements to cure or stop it. Be sure your life is in order & have someone designated as your medical power of attorney. You may need them soon.

Answered 3/9/2017



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