A member asked:

I had my shoulder separated type 3 about a year ago.i still feeling discomfort or even pain.do i need surgery? is it going to get wost over the years?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Depends: Most patients do well with aggressive physical therapy for several months and are able to return to prior level of activity with little or no discomfort and no sensation of dislocation or separation. If you have had pt and still feel unstable, then you should see an orthopedist to obtain further imaging studies like an MRI to determine if surgery is indicated.

Answered 5/16/2019



Shoulder Specialist: Type 3 ac separations are controversial with regard to best treatment. That said, you may be interested to know that the vast majority of patients we treat for these actually have other reasons for their shoulder pain and are having several things repaired at the same time...Labrum, rotator cuff, etc. So get a detailed evaluation first. http://theshouldercenter.com/separated-shoulder.htm.

Answered 3/3/2014



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