A member asked:

4 month wait to see a psych. severe anxiety /ocd. recently during anxiety having racing thoughts /brain telling me to hurt people. they feel so real, scared of hurting anyone. more likely ocd or could it be psychosis, am i dangerous?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

It definitely is not good, and you should be treated. If you ever get racing thoughts/brain telling you to hurt people you should go to the closet Emergency Room immediately, they will help you and treat you. Do not continue the wait to see someone.

Answered 5/31/2023



People can have angry and violent thoughts without becoming dangerous. But if you think you might commit a violent action then please go to the ER or urgent care. Please have a physical exam to know if these symptoms are due to an illness. If they are just thoughts please see a Clinical Psychologist with expertise in multiple types of psychotherapy flor help and a Psychiatrist for medication.

Answered 5/31/2023



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