A member asked:

I'm wondering if i can take omeprazole for gastritis pain even if i have already taken a gas x pill not too long ago (an hour) .i'm having really painful gastritis pain ,are there any pain relivers that are food related ? thank you?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Yes. omeprazole will be absorbed and will take effect. While gasX helps to relieve gas build up, it won't sooth the pain of gastritis which is inflammation of the stomach lining. Tums, Maalox or gelusil can. Drinking hot water ( not boiling) or applying heat to the abdomen helps break down severe gas buildup. I'm not sure what you mean by pain relievers that are food related, though.

Answered 3/30/2023



Yes, it’s fine to take omeprazole for gastritis along with Gas-X pill

Answered 3/29/2023



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