A member asked:

Bleeding rectum during bowl movement .i was constipated 2 days back ,and had miralax and yogurt which gave me loose stool and bleeding .i have burning sensation inside and bleeding stops once i finish . any remedies?

4 doctors weighed in across 3 answers
Dr. Sue Ferranti answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

You need to see a GI doctor to determine what is bleeding. You will likely need a colonoscopy to determine exactly what is bleeding so the proper treatment can be rendered. You may also need treatment for constipation and the GI doctor can help with this as well. So, see a GI doctor as soon as possible. Good luck!

Answered 2/18/2023


Dr. Andrew Seibert answered

Specializes in Gastroenterology

Before figuring out the remedy, it is important to localize what is the source of the bleeding. You should go to the emergency room for evaluation. You need to see a gastroenterologist because of the bleeding. Good luck

Answered 2/24/2023



The urgency of examination depends upon the amount & rate of bleeding. If it's copious& frequent proceed to the ER where prompt care is available. If it's small amounts of fresh red blood only on the toilet paper& not mixed with the stool, a benign anorectal source is likely. If so,consult a gastroenterologist, colorectal surgeon or proctologist who'll perform a proctoscopic exam in the office.

Answered 2/24/2023



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