A member asked:

Reactivation of hpv in wife. last 2 paps 16months apart normal but positive for hpv. because the paps have been normal what are the odds it will clear before cin develops? with paps being normal with out cin is that a good sign it wont progress?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Hunter Handsfield answered

Specializes in Infectious Disease

Your wife's gyn probably will advise follow-up paps or maybe colposcopy. In most cases, HPV testing becomes negative and CIN doesn't develop. But it's not so bad when it does: CIN is easy to treat before progression to cancer, which takes years and is the only outcome to worry about. Discuss with her doctor; no distant forum expert can be as knowledgeable or accurate. Good luck.

Answered 2/17/2023



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