A member asked:

I am 29 years young and was diagnosed with uc 2 days ago. i see many treatments for the uc, my gi doctor has prescribed pregnizone and omeprazole, then infusions. is there something else i should try before having to be on infusions forever?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Sue Ferranti answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

It really depends on how extensive the ulcerative colitis is and how severe it is when visualized. I would assume you were diagnosed after getting scoped. There are steroid enemas that can be used but only if the colitis is limited to the rectal area. If you aren’t sure, seek a second opinion from a different GI doctor who can review all your test results. Best of luck to you!

Answered 1/29/2023


Dr. Andrew Seibert answered

Specializes in Gastroenterology

There are many treatments for sort of colitis, only some of which involve biologic infusions. Your initial therapy with the prednisone and omeprazole is not an infusion. You should discuss potential therapies with your gastroenterologist before you immediately jump to Biologics. There are multiple options. Good luck.

Answered 1/30/2023



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