A member asked:

My iron saturation level is 62 percent. my iron level is 165. my tibc is low normal. i do not take any iron supplements. i have muscle pain and cramps all over my body. is this being caused by a disease or what is causing the high iron saturation?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Your iron saturation is slightly elevated, but it is unlikely to be the cause of your symptoms. If you are concerned about iron overload, donate blood. It will deplete some iron and you will be doing someone needing blood a favor. Blood Bank will assess your symptoms before taking blood.

Answered 12/20/2022


Dr. Mark Owolabi answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

You need further evaluation In person. So much more information & background is needed. Your symptoms are very nonspecific and may have little to do with your iron tests. You won’t get a specific diagnosis for your symptoms on this forum.

Answered 12/31/2022



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