A member asked:

I have oily skin. can i use any skin ointment to reduce my acne marks? or can i use adapalene 0.1% gel + (betamethasone+gentamicin) cream? today, it's 2nd day i used mixure of above mentioned gel and cream and then apply on my face. is it safe?

A doctor has provided 1 answer
Dr. Mark Owolabi answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

I would stop what you’re doing and talk with a clinician first. Pursue a Telemedicine visit on HealthTap if you have no primary care physician. Betamethasone should not be used on the face without clear indication. Acne treatment takes weeks before clear effects, it’s best that you start on the right path early, rather than messing around for weeks on your own.

Answered 12/4/2022



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