A member asked:

I tested for hiv via lab using gen 4 antibody/antigen 25 days after possible exposure. results were negative. the sexual activity was oral with condom and i did minor fingering on vagina. should i do retest? or am i been paranoid?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

This scenario should result in hiv transmission. Your test would detect 99% of hiv infections when performed in 6 weeks. If done before that a confirmatory test is needed at 3 months. Your public health department can also advise you.

Answered 11/23/2022


Dr. Hunter Handsfield answered

Specializes in Infectious Disease

This was a zero-risk exposure for HIV and other STDs. You didn't need HIV testing at all. But this result is around 95% conclusive. You could have another at 6 weeks for a conclusive result, but there's really no need.

Answered 11/23/2022



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