A member asked:

I have right testcle mild hydroele since from 8 months with no swelling and have normal both testis . i contact my local doc he give me scrotal support underware and give medicine like voltral and cyclosporine . is this will correct my hydro?age 25?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Hiep Le answered

Specializes in Nephrology and Dialysis

Sorry but I do not understand why your doctor prescribed votral (a NSAID) and cyclosporine (an immunosuppressive drug) for this condition.

Answered 11/5/2022



There is no medicine to absorb or shrink a Hydrocele. If it does not bther you nothing needs to be done . If it does you should have it fixed by surgery- which is relatively easy

Answered 11/4/2022



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Hydrocoele - the swelling of the scrotum/testis. What can cause it?

4 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

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