A member asked:

My 5yo son is coughing for more than 2 months. he is also having cold&runny nose for 2 months but its a dry cough and no mucus. we visited paediatrician and he has given asthalin for 5 days but no improvement in cough. is there any concern?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Persistent cough is a common sign of mild asthma and Asthalin is a common treatment. If there is no change in the pattern of use the doc suggested, please discuss this with his doc. There are other meds that may be more suitable for his pattern of illness.

Answered 7/27/2022


Dr. Amrita Dosanjh answered

Specializes in Pediatric Allergy and Asthma

Evaluation may include pulmonary function testing and additional treatment with an inhaled steroid should be considered. The inhaled steroid helps to control inflammation in the lung. Allergy testing and treatment of a possible sinus infection, screening for CF and an imaging study may be ordered to guide therapy. Watch for signs of shortness of breath and please follow up.

Answered 7/30/2022



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