A member asked:

Random flashes of burning and tingling mainly in head but can happen anywhere, chronic dizziness, and flashes of lightning in eyes. doctors think migraines, and brain/orbits mri/v came back normal. migraine meds dont help. could this be fnd as well?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Since your neurological testing is normal, FND is a possibility. Do you think there is a psychogenic component to your symptoms? Collaboration between a neurologist & a psychiatrist could be helpful.

Answered 7/27/2022



Not feasible to exclude an emotional component, but that would intensify your symptoms, not cause, initially. Try counseling to deal with your feeling dimensions. I would favor a migraine variant, and leave the FND label to others. If your current treatment is not working, find a neurologist with headache expertise for a second opinion. Or try virtual consult (www.connect@healthtap.com)

Answered 7/28/2022



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