A member asked:

My 8 years old daughter got her first dose of covid-19 vaccine today. what is shortest duration she should wait before getting her second dose. we need to travel and i like her to complete both doses asap?

3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Deborah Ungerleider answered

Specializes in Pediatrics

The answer to this depends on what specific COVID-19 vaccine was given. In the US, the only vaccine approved for this age group is the Pfizer vaccine. The 2nd one is given 3 weeks after the first; it should not be given sooner.

Answered 4/21/2022



21 days (=3weeks) is the current recommendation. People ages 5 through 11 years, people ages 65 years and older, people more likely to become very sick from COVID-19, or anyone wanting protection due to high levels of community transmission should get the second dose of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine 3 weeks (or 21 days) after the first dose, or the second dose of Moderna COVID-19 vaccine 4 wee

Answered 4/21/2022



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