A member asked:

I received the covid vaccine on saturday, and started having shoulder pain on sunday with extreme tiredness, as well as extreme lightheadedness monday night/tuesday morning. lower back pain, arm pit pain, and outer breast pain. is this normal?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Some times vaccines give you such symptoms. Suggest take OTC Tylenol or Advil for a few days if not better see your MD. I think you will be OK

Answered 4/13/2022


Dr. Amrita Dosanjh answered

Specializes in Pediatric Allergy and Asthma

If your symptoms persist or do not improve during the course of 48 hours, please see your PCP. The symptoms is due to a vaccine reaction should begin to resolve. Monitor temperature and breathing, and consider COVID 19 testing is still unwell. Stay well hydrated and if you experience chest pain, dizziness please see acute care.

Answered 4/13/2022



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